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The Willows CC – Match Day Sponsor

The support of our sponsors enables the Willows to continue to enable young cricketers to enjoy the opportunity to play cricket in a world class setting against talented cricketers. Your exclusive match day sponsorship provides the following opportunities:

  • Your logo/name on the pavilion match day stand (Willows will organise signage)
  • Use of the club flagpole on the pavilion to fly your company logo/name on game day
  • The opportunity to present the Player of the Day at the conclusion of the match
  • Catered lunch for 6 people on game day (colleagues, family, friends)
  • Opportunity to host work colleagues, family and or friends on the day
  • Access to the Willows database and Facebook throughout the season to market any products/services for your company or organisation
  • Representation on the Willows website as a Match Day sponsor and on club communication for the fixture you have sponsored
  • Representation at all Willows functions
  • Ability to market products or services to the Willows community at any time


$2500 per game

ASB Bank: The Willows Cricket Club Account # 12-3151-0111887-00
Click here to download a detailed brochure

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Best contact person for logo and details:
Best contact person to confirm attendees:
Sponsorship set amount: $2,500