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“The Willows” Founder – Mike Dormer 22nd April 1937 – 19th April 2021

Mike as our founder, constant presence, and irresistible force returned to the Pavilion late on 19 April just short of his 84th birthday. We join Winsome, Ben and Georgie, Pete and Emma, and Max, Ruby and Edgar in this sad moment.
Mike has had the rare honour and experience of scores of well wishers and friends telling him how much he and the Willows have meant to them, their schools, and their families.
He has made it clear what we are all expected to do now, and no detail has been spared. All this will be conveyed to the entire Willows family which extends worldwide.
In the meantime, we join his family in reflection and gratitude for a life lived to the full and share the stories which need no embellishment.

Hon Nicholas Davidson QC

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