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Willows AGM

“Reminder” Notice Is Given of The Annual General Meeting of The Willows Cricket Club Tuesday 22nd August 2023. 6pm

The Willows Cricket Club AGM Tuesday 22nd August 6pm Hagley Pavilion Hagley Oval


  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the previous General Meeting 25/8/22
  3. Annual Report of the President,
  4. Statement of Accounts,
  5. Election of Officers and members of the Management Committee (now ‘The Board’),
  6. General business.


Under Rule 10.3 of the Constitution nominations are sought for the positions of Officers of the Club and members of the Management Committee (now ‘The Board’).


  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Board Members (6 in total)



The following nominations have been received For The Willows Cricket Club Board 2023-24

President - The Hon. Nicholas Davidson KC

Secretary - Jeremy Benton

Treasurer- Alistair Sheard



Board Members - 6 Positions Available

James Richards

Paul Rutledge

Michael Peacock

Phil Harris

Kirsty Bond

Richard McGuire

Jim Stringleman

A vote is required to select the 6 Board Members

By Rule 10, written nominations for Officers with consent of the nominee must be received at least 14 clear days before the AGM.

Under Rule 16.3, the Secretary provides all members written notice of the business to be conducted at the General Meeting, 14 days prior.  General Meetings may be attended by all members in any category, but only Financial Playing Members and Members, and Life Members, are entitled to vote.

Such Financial Members (re subs paid) shall be entitled to vote by written proxy in favour of another Financial Member “who is present,” but no other proxy voting shall be permitted.

This is taken to be a Financial Member present in person at the meeting.  If you would like to give your proxy to someone at the meeting, please ensure it is valid.

Proxy Votes

As above financial members are entitled to lodge a proxy vote in favour of a financial member who is present at the meeting.

Download Proxy Form Here or email to request a form.

All completed Proxy forms should be emailed to prior to the AGM date.


Jeremy Benton

Hon. Secretary

The Willows Cricket Club

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