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The Willows CC – COVID POLICY 02/12/2021

The Willows Cricket Club COVID Policy With the current changes to the COVID‐19 pandemic response in New Zealand, The Willows Cricket Club Board wants to provide for the ongoing health, safety and wellbeing of our members, support staff, contractors, suppliers and visitors. From Thursday, 2nd December at 11.59pm, the Covid‐19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System) […]

Congratulations to the New Zealand Cricket team

A big congratulations to the New Zealand Cricket team as World Champions. They are a talented, determined and humble team and they do New Zealand proud. We are pleased to have Willowers associated with this victory in Tom Latham, Henry Nicholls and Matt Henry, and Gary Stead who has done so much to make the […]

“The Willows” Founder – Mike Dormer 22nd April 1937 – 19th April 2021

Mike as our founder, constant presence, and irresistible force returned to the Pavilion late on 19 April just short of his 84th birthday. We join Winsome, Ben and Georgie, Pete and Emma, and Max, Ruby and Edgar in this sad moment. Mike has had the rare honour and experience of scores of well wishers and […]